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From the 70s, Volume 1 (So What SW 162)

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Title: From the 70s, Volume 1
Label: So What SW 162 (CD-R)
Number of tracks: 3
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Details: April 7, 1970; June 12, 1972; November 29, 1972

Note: Only tracks on which Davis is present (62:32) are displayed below.

1 Go Ahead [Apr 7, 1970] 6:12
2 Session of Jabali [Jun 12, 1972] 26:03
3 Untitled Original 721129 (M. Davis) [Nov 29, 1972] 30:17

April 7, 1970
Miles Davis (tpt); Steve Grossman (ss); John McLaughlin (g); Herbie Hancock (org); Michael Henderson (el-b); Billy Cobham (d); Unknown orchestra (conducted by Teo Macero); Brock Peters (narr)

June 12, 1972
Miles Davis (tpt); Carlos Garnett (ss); Bennie Maupin (bcl); Lonnie Liston Smith (org); Harold I. Williams (el-p, synth); Herbie Hancock (org); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); Jabali Billy Hart (d, perc); James Mtume Forman (cga, perc); Badal Roy (tabla)

November 29, 1972
Miles Davis (tpt); Carlos Garnett (ss); Cedric Lawson (keyb); Reggie Lucas (g); Khalil Balakrishna (sitar); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Forman (cga, perc); Badal Roy (tabla)

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