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Anthony Davis and Episteme
Bottocino, Brescia

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October 30, 2009 (8 items; TT = 79:52)
Bottocino, Brescia
Source/Quality: RB (B+)

J.D. Parran (cl, bcl); Mark Feldman (vln); Anthony Davis (p); Lisle Ellis (b); Gerry Hemingway (d, vb, mba)

1 Of Blues and Dreams (A. Davis) 16:06
2 Introduction 0:47
3 Sudden Death (A. Davis) 19:08
4 Introduction 0:38
5 Loss (A. Davis) 21:17
6 Introduction 0:52
7 A Dream of the Spider (A. Davis) 13:10
8 Evidence (T. Monk) 7:54

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