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John Surman and The Trio
Shalimar Tea Room, Bern

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September 30, 1970 (8 items; TT = 57:45)
Shalimar Tea Room, Bern
Source/Quality: RB (B-)

John Surman (ss, bs, bcl, cornet); Barre Phillips (b); Stu Martin (d)

1 Band warming up 0:14
2 Conflagration (B. Phillips) 11:57
3 Let's Stand (B. Phillips) 8:34
4 Unknown Title 6:41
5 Noninka (S. Martin) 7:49
6 Cant (B. Phillips) 11:00
7 Nuts (S. Martin) 10:49
8 Silvercloud (B. Phillips) (inc) 0:41

This set is sometimes dated a year later, but an advertisement confirms this date and the name of the venue. I am grateful to Johann Haidenbauer for his help with this session.

All original content on this website is licensed by Peter Losin under a Creative Commons License