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Miles Ahead Discographical Details

Here are the 21 occurrences of "Autumn Leaves" in the Miles Ahead database. Click on a date for session details. If a row does not list any commercially-issued recordings, then that particular version of the tune is only available on private recordings.

DateLocationTitleDur45 rpm12" LPCDVideo
March 9, 1958Rudy van Gelder Studio, HackensackAutumn Leaves (take 1 (rehearsal))1:06    
March 9, 1958Rudy van Gelder Studio, HackensackAutumn Leaves (take 1)9:49  Toshiba TYCJ-81002, Universal UCCQ-9412 
March 9, 1958Rudy van Gelder Studio, HackensackAutumn Leaves (take 2)11:20Blue Note BN 45-1737Blue Note BLP 1595 (= BST 81595), Blue Note BN-LA 169, Blue Note ST-46338, Analogue Productions ABNJ 81595 (45 rpm)Blue Note CDP 46338, Blue Note CDP 36633, Blue Note CDP 95329, Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory MFCD 828, Toshiba CJ28 5051, Toshiba CP32 5205, Toshiba TOCJ-5671, Toshiba TOCJ-6325, Toshiba TYCJ-81002, Universal UCCU-40166, Universal UCCQ-9412 
September 27, 1960Free Trade Hall, ManchesterAutumn Leaves17:22  Magnetic MRCD 102/3, Lone Hill Jazz LHJ-10212 
October 11, 1960Olympia Theatre, ParisAutumn Leaves13:11 The Lost Recordings TLR-2404054VTrema 710455/8, Trema 710578, Frémeaux & Associés FA 5451 
October 13, 1960Konserthuset, StockholmAutumn Leaves13:37 Royal Jazz RJD 509Dragon DRCD 228, DIW 381/4 
October 13, 1960Konserthuset, StockholmAutumn Leaves13:48 Dragon DRLP 130Dragon DRCD 228, DIW 381/4 
April 22, 1961Blackhawk Supper Club, San FranciscoAutumn Leaves (inc)11:45 Mosaic MQ6-220Magnetic MRCD 125, Columbia Legacy C2K 87100, Columbia Legacy C4K 87106; Sony SICP 381/4, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 15) 
July 27, 1963La Pinède Gould, Juan-les-Pins, AntibesAutumn Leaves13:55 CBS (F) SBPG 62390, Columbia CL 2183 (= CS 8983), Nippon Columbia YS-441, CBS/Sony SONP 50128, CBS/Sony SOPL 159, CBS/Sony 18AP 2061, CBS/Sony 23AP 2561, CBS/Sony 25AP 759, CBS/Sony 00AP 2076/81, Mosaic MQ10-226, Columbia Legacy 19802 80168-1Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Columbia CK 93583, Columbia CK 93585, CBS/Sony 32DP 517, Sony SRCS 5705, CBS/Sony 80DP 872/5, Sony SRCS 5691/4, Sony SRCS 9303, Sony SRCS 9756, Sony SICP 620/5, Sony SICP 821, Sony SICP 1210, Sony SICP 853, Sony SICP 20079, Sony SICP 4016, Sony SICJ 30060, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 19), Columbia Legacy 19802 80167-2 
September 20, 1963County Fairgrounds, MontereyAutumn Leaves11:24  Monterey Jazz Festival Records MJFR-30310, Universal UCCO 1008, Core Collection CC 004, Premier no number 
February 12, 1964Lincoln Center, New YorkAutumn Leaves10:39 Mosaic MQ10-226Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Sony SICP 620/5, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] 
July 12, 1964Hibaya Yagai Ongaku-do Hall, TokyoAutumn Leaves10:44  Heavy Blow HB-001, Domino 891212, Eternal Grooves EGHO-001 
September 25, 1964Philharmonie, BerlinAutumn Leaves12:37 CBS (G) SBPG 62976, CBS/Sony SONP 50127, CBS/Sony SOPL 163, CBS/Sony 18AP 2065, CBS/Sony 23AP 2565, CBS/Sony 25AP 763, Columbia C2 38506, Mosaic MQ10-226Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Columbia CK 93594, Jazz Door JD 12113/4, CBS/Sony 35DP 68, CBS/Sony 32DP 519, CBS/Sony CSCS 5147, Sony SRCS 9304, Sony SRCS 9708, Sony SICP 620/5, Sony SICP 825, Sony SICP 1214, Sony SICP 20080, Sony SICP 30221, Sony SICJ 30064/5, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 23) 
October 1, 1964Salle Pleyel, ParisAutumn Leaves12:47 Heart Note HN 004, Columbia Legacy 19802 80168-1, Columbia Legacy 19802 81134-1Moon MCD 021, Columbia Legacy 19802 80167-2 
October 3, 1964Johanneshov Isstadion, StockholmAutumn Leaves12:11    
October 4, 1964KB Hallen, CopenhagenAutumn Leaves (inc)10:57  Magnetic MRCD 117, Domino 891218 
October 6, 1964Messuhalli, HelsinkiAutumn Leaves11:15    
October 8, 1964Stadthalle, SindelfingenAutumn Leaves10:43  Recording Arts (Golden Age of Jazz) JZCD 372, Moon MCD 033 
October 11, 1964Teatro dell' Arte, MilanAutumn Leaves13:50  Moon MCD 063, RLR 88629, Eternal Grooves EGHO-003Impro Jazz 525
December 23, 1965Plugged Nickel Club, ChicagoAutumn Leaves12:05 Mosaic MQ10-158, Klimt MJJ349CLPColumbia Legacy CXK 66955, Sony SRCS 5766/72, Sony SRCS 7351/7, Sony SIC7 10001/8 
May 21, 1966Oriental Theatre, PortlandAutumn Leaves10:12 Stone OE-66201Jazz Door JD 1224, Mega Disc Legendary (no number), Sunburn 9339880 
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