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Miles Ahead Discographical Details

Here are the 27 occurrences of "joshua" in the Miles Ahead database. Click on a date for session details. If a row does not list any commercially-issued recordings, then that particular version of the tune is only available on private recordings.

DateLocationTitleDur12" LPCDVideo
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (rehearsal)7:09   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (take 1 (fs + inc))1:07   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (take 2 (inc))1:15   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (rehearsal)2:32   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (take 4 (nc))3:02   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 1 take 1)1:34   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 1 take 2)0:59   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 1 take 3)1:04   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 1 take 4)0:48   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 1 take 5)2:35   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 1 take 6)5:12   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 1 take 7)1:30   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 1 take 8)0:13   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 2 take 1 + rehearsal)2:17   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 2 take 1)0:29   
April 16, 1963Columbia Studio, HollywoodJoshua (insert 2 take 2)6:02Mosaic MQ10-226Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Sony SICP 620/5, Mega Disc Legendary 041617 
May 14, 1963Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkJoshua (remake take 1 (fs))0:24   
May 14, 1963Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkJoshua (remake take 2 (nc))1:57   
May 14, 1963Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkJoshua (remake take 3)7:33Columbia CL 2051 (= CS 8851), Nippon Columbia YS-292, CBS/Sony SONP 50214, CBS/Sony SOPL 158, CBS/Sony 18AP 2060, CBS/Sony 23AP 2560, CBS/Sony 25AP 758, Mosaic MQ10-226Columbia CK 48827, Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Columbia CK 93592, CBS/Sony 32DP 527, Sony SRCS 5704, Sony SRCS 9109, Sony SRCS 9755, Sony SIGP 14, Sony SICP 820, Sony SICP 1209, Sony SICP 30059, Sony SICP 620/5, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 18) 
July 26, 1963La Pinède Gould, Juan-les-Pins, AntibesJoshua10:56Columbia Legacy 19802 80168-1Columbia Legacy 19802 80167-2 
July 27, 1963La Pinède Gould, Juan-les-Pins, AntibesJoshua11:42CBS (F) SBPG 62390, Columbia CL 2183 (= CS 8983), Nippon Columbia YS-441, CBS/Sony SONP 50128, CBS/Sony SOPL 159, CBS/Sony 18AP 2061, CBS/Sony 23AP 2561, CBS/Sony 25AP 759, Mosaic MQ10-226, Columbia Legacy 19802 80168-1Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Columbia CK 93583, CBS/Sony 32DP 517, Sony SRCS 5705, Sony SRCS 9303, Sony SRCS 9756, Sony SICP 620/5, Sony SICP 821, Sony SICP 1210, Sony SICP 20079, Sony SICP 4016, Sony SICJ 30060, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 19), Columbia Legacy 19802 80167-2 
February 12, 1964Lincoln Center, New YorkJoshua9:32Columbia CL 2453 (= CS 9253), Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory MFSL 1-376, Nippon Columbia YS-612, CBS/Sony SONP 50097, CBS/Sony SOPL 161, CBS/Sony 18AP 2063, CBS/Sony 23AP 2563, CBS/Sony 25AP 761, CBS/Sony 28AP 2837, Mosaic MQ10-226Columbia C2K 48821, Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Columbia Legacy CK 93595, Giants of Jazz CD 53047, Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory UDSACD 2087, CBS/Sony 35DP 66, 32DP 528, CSCS 5145, Sony SRCS 9110, Sony SRCS 9707, Sony SRGS 4529, Sony SICP 620/5, Sony SICP 823, Sony SICP 1212, Sony SICP 10087, Sony SICP 20055, Sony SICP 30220, Sony SICJ 30062, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 21) 
October 1, 1964Salle Pleyel, ParisJoshua12:47Columbia Legacy 19802 80168-1, Columbia Legacy 19802 81134-1Columbia Legacy 19802 80167-2 
October 3, 1964Johanneshov Isstadion, StockholmJoshua10:35 Moon MCD 021 
October 4, 1964KB Hallen, CopenhagenJoshua7:41 Magnetic MRCD 117, Domino 891218 
October 8, 1964Stadthalle, SindelfingenJoshua9:06 Recording Arts (Golden Age of Jazz) JZCD 372, Moon MCD 033 
October 11, 1964Teatro dell' Arte, MilanJoshua8:52 RLR 88629, Eternal Grooves EGHO-003Impro Jazz 525
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