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Miles Ahead Discographical Details

Here is the one occurrence of "love me or leave me" in the Miles Ahead database. Click on the date for details about this session. If no commercially-issued recording is listed, then the tune is only available on a private recording.

DateLocationTitleDur12" LPCD
April 3, 1954Rudy van Gelder Studio, HackensackLove Me or Leave Me6:55Prestige 7076, Prestige P-012 (12 LP), Analogue Productions APJ 213, Analogue Productions AJAZ 7076 (45 rpm), Victor SMJ-6528, Victor VIJ-5090/5101 (12 LP), Craft Recordings CR00689Fantasy OJC-213, Fantasy PRCD 7076, Prestige 8PCD-012, JVC XR 0047, Victor VICJ-23572, Victor VICJ-40225/32, Victor VICJ-60264, Victor VICJ-2033, Victor VICJ-61045, Victor VICJ-41028, Victor VICJ-41506, Universal UCCO-9018, Universal UCCO-5025, Craft Recordings CR00689
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