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Miles Ahead Discographical Details

Here are the 47 occurrences of "so what" in the Miles Ahead database. Click on a date for session details. If a row does not list any commercially-issued recordings, then that particular version of the tune is only available on private recordings.

DateLocationTitleDur12" LPCDVideo
March 2, 1959Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkSo What (take 1 (fs + inc))2:11 Columbia Legacy 88697 33552 
March 2, 1959Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkSo What (take 2 (fs + inc))1:43   
March 2, 1959Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkSo What (take 3)10:29Columbia CL 1355 (= CS 8163), Columbia 88883 76103, Music on Vinyl MOV LP019, Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory MFSL 2-45010, Nippon Columbia YS-127, Nippon Columbia SL-1224, Nippon Columbia PSS-57, CBS/Sony SONP 50027, CBS/Sony SOPL 155, CBS/Sony 18AP 2056, CBS/Sony 23AP 2556, CBS/Sony 25AP 755, CBS/Sony 28AP 2833, CBS/Sony 00AP 2076/81, Classic Records CS 8163, Classic Records CS 8163-45 (45 rpm), Classic Records CS 8163-200, Mosaic MQ9-191Columbia CK 08163, Columbia CK 40579, Columbia Legacy CK 64935, Columbia Legacy CK 52861, Columbia Legacy CK 64403, Columbia Legacy CK 64935, Columbia Legacy C6K 65833, Columbia Legacy C6K 90922, Columbia Legacy C2K 85475, Columbia Legacy CK 64616, Columbia Legacy 88697 33552, Columbia Legacy 88883 75664, Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory UDSACD 2085, CBS/Sony 35DP 62, CBS/Sony 32DP 513, CBS/Sony CSCS 5141, CBS/Sony 80DP 872/5, Sony SRCS 5691/4, Sony SRCS 6681, Sony SRCS 9104, Sony SRCS 2223/8, Sony SICP 651/6, Sony SRCS 9701, Sony SRCS 2493/4, Sony SRGS 4501, Sony SICP 816, Sony SICP 1206, Sony SICP 10083, Sony SICP 20001, Sony SICP 20258, Sony SICP 30216, Sony SICJ 30048/9, Mega Disc Legendary 1959, Sony SICP 30521/9, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 10) 
April 2, 1959CBS-TV Studio 61, New YorkSo What10:29Ozone 18, Beppo BEP-502, Bandstand BDLP-1501Bandstand BDCD-1501, Tokuma TKCB-71062 (= TKCB-71892), Jazz Door JD 1242, Lone Hill Jazz LHJ-10206, United Archives NUA 10Toei Video TE-M576, Columbia Legacy 88697 33552, Atlantic 50240, Idem IDVD 1057, Think Visual THV-145473
April 2, 1959CBS-TV Studio 61, New YorkSo What (reprise)0:34  Toei Video TE-M576, Columbia Legacy 88697 33552, Idem IDVD 1057, Think Visual THV-145473
April 2, 1959CBS-TV Studio 61, New YorkSo What (reprise)0:16  Toei Video TE-M576, Columbia Legacy 88697 33552
August 7, 1959Chicago Stadium, ChicagoSo What11:34 Rare Live Recordings RLR 88666, United Archives NUA 10 
August 25, 1959Birdland, New YorkSo What12:05 Rare Live Recordings RLR 88666, United Archives NUA 10 
March 4, 1960Civic Auditorium, San FranciscoSo What (inc)17:21   
March 21, 1960Olympia Theatre, ParisSo What13:26Vinyl Me Please Classics C010, Columbia Legacy 88985 44841Trema 710455/8, Trema 710576, Frémeaux & Associés FA 5451, Columbia Legacy 88985 44839, Sony SICP 31146/9 
March 22, 1960Konserthuset, StockholmSo What10:31Dragon DRLP 90Dragon DRCD 228, DIW 381/4, Jazz Door JD 1226, Natasha Import NI 4011, Recording Arts Reference Edition RARE CD 08/10, TAX CD 3716-2, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Columbia Legacy 88985 44839, Sony SICP 31146/9 
March 22, 1960Konserthuset, StockholmSo What15:03Dragon DRLP 91, Rarelp 10Dragon DRCD 228, DIW 381/4, Rare CD-10, Jazz Door JD 1226, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Columbia Legacy 88985 44839, Sony SICP 31146/9 
March 24, 1960Tivoli Konsertsal, CopenhagenSo What14:36Columbia Legacy 88985 49874Royal Jazz RJ-501, Gambit 69227, Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Columbia Legacy 88985 44839, Sony SICJ 30116, Sony SICP 31146/9 
March 30, 1960Kongresshalle, Frankfurt am MainSo What (inc)12:47 Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623, Acrobat ACQCD 7076 
April 3, 1960Kongress-Saal, Deutsches Museum, MunichSo What (inc)10:37 Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623 
April 3, 1960Kongress-Saal, Deutsches Museum, MunichSo What10:10 Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623 
April 8, 1960Kongresshaus, ZürichSo What15:20 Jazz Unlimited JUCD 2031, Storyville STA 130467, Gambit 69220, Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623, TCB 02312, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Eternal Grooves EGHO-004 
April 9, 1960Kurhaus, ScheveningenSo What17:25Unique Jazz UJ-19, Century CEJC 00102Columbia Legacy 88697 33552, Century CECC 00093 (= Stash CECC 00093), Jazz Door JD 1226, Unique Jazz RKO 1037, Lone Hill Jazz LHJ-10206, Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623, Absord Music ABCJ-13, Green Corner 100890, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Eternal Grooves EGHO-005 
April 9-10, 1960Concertgebouw, AmsterdamSo What10:23 Dutch Jazz Archive NJA 1301, Green Corner 100890, Eternal Grooves EGHO-006 
September 27, 1960Free Trade Hall, ManchesterSo What10:43 Magnetic MRCD 102/3, Lone Hill Jazz LHJ-10212 
October 11, 1960Olympia Theatre, ParisSo What9:27 Trema 710455/8, Trema 710578, Frémeaux & Associés FA 5451 
October 13, 1960Konserthuset, StockholmSo What10:57Royal Jazz RJD 509Dragon DRCD 228, DIW 381/4 
October 15-16, 1960Concertgebouw, AmsterdamSo What9:01 Dutch Jazz Archive NJA 1301, Green Corner 100890 
April 22, 1961Blackhawk Supper Club, San FranciscoSo What12:14Columbia CL 1670 (= CS 8470), Columbia C2L 20 (= C2S 820), Columbia CJ 44425, Nippon Columbia YS-152, Nippon Columbia SL-1090, Nippon Columbia PSS-90, Nippon Columbia XS-38C, CBS/Sony SONP 50071, CBS/Sony SONP 50070/1, CBS/Sony SOPJ 18, CBS/Sony SOPW 73/4, CBS/Sony 20AP 1403, Mosaic MQ6-220Columbia CK 44425, Columbia Legacy C2K 87097, Columbia Legacy C4K 87106, CBS/Sony 32DP 526, CBS/Sony CSCS 5345, Sony SRCS 9317, Sony SRCS 9730, Sony SRGS 4582; Sony SICP 381/4, Sony SICP 30054/5, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 15) 
May 19, 1961Carnegie Hall, New YorkSo What12:00Columbia CL 1812 (= CS 8612), Columbia C5X 45000, Nippon Columbia YS-209, Nippon Columbia SL-1112, CBS/Sony SONP 50104, CBS/Sony SOPZ 24, CBS/Sony 18AP 2059, CBS/Sony 23AP 2559, CBS/Sony 25AP 651Columbia Legacy C2K 65027, Columbia Legacy C4K 45000, Columbia Legacy C4K 86569, CBS/Sony 32DP 515, Sony SRCS 5701, CBS/Sony 80DP 5430/3, Sony SICP 5037/40, Sony SRCS 9319, Sony SRCS 9745, Sony SRCS 8733/4, Jazz Door JD 12107/8, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 16) 
July 25, 1963Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, ParisSo What9:20 Recording Arts (Golden Age of Jazz) JZCD 371 
July 26, 1963La Pinède Gould, Juan-les-Pins, AntibesSo What9:51Columbia Legacy 19802 80168-1Jazz Music Yesterday JMY 1010, Musica Jazz MJCD 1340, Columbia Legacy 19802 80167-2 
July 28, 1963La Pinède Gould, Juan-les-Pins, AntibesSo What12:44Columbia Legacy 19802 80168-1Jazz Music Yesterday JMY 1010, Musica Jazz MJCD 1340, Columbia Legacy 19802 80167-2 
September 20, 1963County Fairgrounds, MontereySo What11:20 Monterey Jazz Festival Records MJFR-30310, Universal UCCO 1008, Core Collection CC 004, Premier no number 
February 12, 1964Lincoln Center, New YorkSo What9:11Columbia CL 2453 (= CS 9253), Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory MFSL 1-376, Nippon Columbia YS-612, Nippon Columbia/Sound Laboratory Series 45PX-6C (45 rpm), CBS/Sony SONP 50097, CBS/Sony SOPL 161, CBS/Sony 18AP 2063, CBS/Sony 23AP 2563, CBS/Sony 25AP 761, CBS/Sony 28AP 2837, Mosaic MQ10-226Columbia C2K 48821, Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Columbia Legacy CK 93595, Giants of Jazz CD 53047, Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory UDSACD 2087, CBS/Sony 35DP 66, 32DP 528, CSCS 5145, Sony SRCS 9110, Sony SRCS 9707, Sony SICP 620/5, Sony SICP 822, Sony SICP 1212, Sony SICP 853, Sony SICP 10087, Sony SICP 20055, Sony SICP 30220, Sony SICJ 30062, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 21) 
July 12, 1964Hibaya Yagai Ongaku-do Hall, TokyoSo What8:23 Heavy Blow HB-001, Domino 891212, Eternal Grooves EGHO-001 
July 14, 1964Shinjuku Kosei Nenkin Hall, TokyoSo What7:54CBS/Sony SONX 60064, CBS/Sony SOPL 162, CBS/Sony 18AP 2064, CBS/Sony 23AP 2564, CBS/Sony 25AP 762, CBS/Sony 28AP 2838, Columbia C2 38506, Mosaic MQ10-226, Get On Down 51279-LPColumbia Legacy C7K 90840, Columbia CK 93596, Jazz Door JD 12113/4, CBS/Sony 35DP 67, CBS/Sony 32DP 529, CBS/Sony CSCS 5146, Sony SRCS 9112, Sony SRCS 9746, Sony SICP 620/5, Sony SICP 824, Sony SICP 1213, Sony SICP 20056, Sony SICP 4017, Sony SICJ 30063, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 22) 
September 11, 1964Steve Allen Playhouse, HollywoodSo What8:02  TV broadcast (Steve Allen Playhouse)
September 25, 1964Philharmonie, BerlinSo What10:27CBS (G) SBPG 62976, CBS/Sony SONP 50127, CBS/Sony SOPL 163, CBS/Sony 18AP 2065, CBS/Sony 23AP 2565, CBS/Sony 25AP 763, Columbia C2 38506, Mosaic MQ10-226Columbia Legacy C7K 90840, Columbia CK 93594, CBS/Sony 35DP 68, CBS/Sony 32DP 519, CBS/Sony CSCS 5147, Sony SRCS 9304, Sony SRCS 9708, Sony SICP 620/5, Sony SICP 825, Sony SICP 1214, Sony SICP 20080, Sony SICP 30221, Sony SICJ 30064/5, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 23) 
October 1, 1964Salle Pleyel, ParisSo What9:39Heart Note HN 004, Columbia Legacy 19802 80168-1, Columbia Legacy 19802 81134-1Moon MCD 021, Columbia Legacy 19802 80167-2 
October 3, 1964Johanneshov Isstadion, StockholmSo What11:54   
October 4, 1964KB Hallen, CopenhagenSo What11:15 Magnetic MRCD 117, Domino 891218 
October 6, 1964Messuhalli, HelsinkiSo What8:01   
October 8, 1964Stadthalle, SindelfingenSo What8:58 Moon MCD 033 
December 23, 1965Plugged Nickel Club, ChicagoSo What13:35CBS/Sony 18AP 2067, CBS/Sony 23AP 2567, CBS/Sony 25AP 1, Columbia C2 38266, Mosaic MQ10-158, Klimt MJJ349CLPColumbia Legacy CXK 66955, Columbia CK 67377, CBS/Sony 32DP 723, Sony SRCS 5766/72, Sony SRCS 7351/7, Sony SIC7 10001/8, Sony SRCS 2461, Sony SICP 4180/1, Sony SICJ 30067/8, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 25) 
May 21, 1966Oriental Theatre, PortlandSo What9:14 Mega Disc Legendary (no number), Sunburn 9339880 
April 7, 1967Harmon Gymnasium, University of California, BerkeleySo What8:52 Eternal Grooves EGHO-007 
July 2, 1967Festival Field, NewportSo What8:18 Columbia Legacy 88875 08195, Sony SICJ 30001/4 
December 5-8, 1968Jazz Workshop, BostonSo What (inc)10:48   
February 25-March 2, 1969Duffy's Backstage, RochesterSo What9:01   
March 20, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkSo What (inc)2:37   
March 20, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkSo What (inc)5:13   
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