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Miles Ahead Discographical Details

Here are the 2 occurrences of "solar" in the Miles Ahead database. Click on a date for session details. If a row does not list any commercially-issued recordings, then that particular version of the tune is only available on private recordings.

DateLocationTitleDur10" LP12" LPCD
April 3, 1954Rudy van Gelder Studio, HackensackSolar4:41Prestige PRLP 185Prestige 7076, Prestige P-012 (12 LP), Analogue Productions APJ 213, Analogue Productions AJAZ 7076 (45 rpm), Victor SMJ-6528, Victor VIJ-5090/5101 (12 LP), Craft Recordings CR00689Fantasy OJC-213, OJC-6017, Fantasy PRCD 7076, Prestige 8PCD-012, JVC XR 0047, Victor VICJ-23572, Victor VICJ-23850, Victor VICJ-40225/32, Victor VICJ-60264, Victor VICJ-60818, Victor VICJ-41437, Victor VICJ-2033, Victor VICJ-61045, Victor VICJ-41028, Victor VICJ-41506, Victor VICJ-41122, Universal UCCO-5025, Universal UCCO-9018, Universal UCCO-9165, Universal UCCO-9656, Universal UCCO-9225, Craft Recordings CR00689
November 30, 1957Olympia Theatre, ParisSolar7:24 Fresh Sound FSR33-101 LPFresh Sound FSR CD 1135
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