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Miles Ahead session details

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September 29, 1956 (3 items; TT = 11:36)
Café Bohemia, New York NY
Mutual Network radio broadcast (B)
Show chatter

Miles Davis (tpt); John Coltrane (ts); William "Red" Garland (p); Paul Chambers (b); Philly Joe Jones (d); Guy Wallace (ann)

1 A Gal in Calico (L. Robin-A. Schwartz) 4:45
2 Stablemates (B. Golson) 3:48
3 How Am I to Know? (inc) (D. Parker-J. King) 3:03

1 A Gal in Calico
12" LP: Groove Back Records GBR 00124
CD: Domino 891221

2 Stablemates
12" LP: Groove Back Records GBR 00124
CD: Domino 891221

3 How Am I to Know? (inc)
12" LP: Groove Back Records GBR 00124
CD: Domino 891221

This is from the Mutual Network's Bandstand USA, which was broadcast live on Saturday nights beginning in 1956. The date for this recording is sometimes listed as October 27.

In the time between Davis' last two Prestige sessions (May 11 and October 26), and during which he was actively recording for Columbia, the Quintet maintained a busy touring schedule: Café Bohemia, New York (May 3-9 and May 25-June 10); Blue Note, Philadelphia (June 11-16); Crown Propeller Lounge, Chicago (June 19-July 8); Graystone Ballroom, Detroit (Monday, July 9); Peacock Alley, St. Louis (July 13-21); Rouge Lounge, Detroit (July 24-29, probably canceled); Café Bohemia, New York (September 7-29); Storyville, Boston (October 1-7); Café Bohemia, New York (October 15-29).

Soon after the second marathon Prestige session (October 26), Davis put the Quintet on hold for a month while he participated in the "Birdland All-Stars in Europe" tour.

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